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Data Breach ALERT: FBCS, Inc


If you have Financial Business Consumer Solutions (FBCS,INC), your personal and sensitive information including personal health and financial information. Data breaches are very serious and courts, like us, want to stop them immediately. It appears a bad actor stole personal information Financial Business Consumer Solutions.

If you help us stop this breach, you could be entitled to an incentive award by the court, which typically happens when we are the first to file the case.

With our last two class actions, the plaintiffs were awarded $15,000 each. Last year our client and all the other class action members in a data breach were awarded up to $25,000. And recently $50,000 was awarded to the plaintiffs that brought the case.

At The Consumer Protection Firm, we are focused on getting class representatives the most amount of money possible and to do that we need to be the first or one of the first firms to file a lawsuit. If you, a family member, or friend were ever a client at Financial Business Consumer Solutions, call or text Billy. Billy Howard, Esq., (813) 774-1416.

Under state and federal law, businesses have a legal obligation to protect the personal information of their customers, which includes implementing reasonable security measures to safeguard data and notifying customers in the event of a breach. Failure to meet these obligations can result in significant legal and financial consequences, including lawsuits, regulatory fines and damage to the company's reputation. Our experienced attorneys work tirelessly to maximize your compensation and protect your future.

 You can contact our offices at (813) 500-1500, if you believe you or your family have been affected. You may also choose to contact the firm's attorney who's handling this matter directly: Billy Howard, Esq., (813) 774-1416 by calling or texting.

The Consumer Protection Firm charges nothing to consult we only get paid if we win, so call us now for a free consultation and review "What to do in the Aftermath of a Data Breach."

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